Thursday, 18 February 2021

The Chase is On ....

 continued from here ....

The Sterling brothers have returned to England, with Kit Campion they are in a fast car heading to London and are being followed ...


The van in pursuit kept with pace with the grey car.  As they neared the outskirts of Chipping Melbury the car took a sharp left ....

The van following them only just managed to get round the corner, nearly missing an oncoming lorry as it screeched round the corner over the grass verge ...
The car went wide to avoid a woman pushing a bike as it took a right turn, its rear end skidding somewhat; the van was not far behind ...
the car headed into the industrial area not far from the railway station....
as it got near the next junction it slewed across the road coming to a halt, the van slammed its brakes hard on and stopped...
a man jumped out of the car ( a wig and a bowler hat fell on the ground), he aimed a rifle at the van.  A man jumped out the van with a pistol, a large van slowly rolled up and stopped blocking the road behind...
more men got out of the car and van; gunfire erupted, the driver got out of the large van and fired too...
Eventually a couple of shots found their mark, one man down...
With nobody firing from behind them, the men from the van started to fall back down the road (two of them had been wounded)..
The agents from the grey car follow them, 
more shooting as they try to cross the hedge to safetly
one of them gets across and away ...
another makes a run for it ...
while the last of them is wrestled to the ground, another looks like he his about to get away ...
a well aimed shot and he is down, a couple of minutes late one of the agents reports to their superior Parry Halmer who was watching the proceedings from a factory window...

'Good work' says Halmer , 'take the wounded man away for questioning and I'll have the local police to look for the one who got away and get the tidy-up crew here; then let the Sterlings know how things went ..'


....but where are the Sterling Brothers and Kit Campion ?


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