Monday, 12 December 2016

at the mission ...

A day later Crichton Odd's party reached the mission at San Miguel...
After having a rest and a light meal,  Odd stretched his legs and went for a walk down to the river by the landing stage...
 As he was about to wander back to the mission, he heard the sound of a larger vessel coming down the river, he waited a bit and watched a small coastal steamer chugging down the river, he walked down onto the landing stage for a closer look - on the deck of the steamer was von Tiddenheim and a german officer...
Odd watched as the steamer went past and down the river. Odd walked back up to the mission musing - next time von Tiddenheim, next time .....

Monday, 5 December 2016

getting directions ....

Crichton Odd's party had trekked for a couple of days and had made slow progress towards their goal of reaching the mission at San Miguel. Thankfully the jungle was starting to thin out and as they passed by some ruins they encountered a friendly native who directed them towards the mission...