Thursday 22 December 2022


 Some secondhand die-cast collectibles off Ebay, 

Cars and occupants are a bit over scale but will work well for story lines, the figures can be removed with a bit of care as well.  The plane is a bit under scale bit will work parked on an airfield.

Sunday 18 December 2022

Villains Lair (WIP)... started work on the nefarious device

 First build of part of the villains lair nefarious device(s); the power generator perhaps - using the crystal pyramidion

yet to be painted, will add a control panel of sorts as well..

Thursday 15 December 2022

Tin-Tin Characters for Cars. (1st Corps)

Recently arrived some of the adventurers passengers for 1st Corps cars; I've sorted out a couple of die-cast cars for them to drive around in ...

Tin-Tin, Prof Calculus and Captain Haddock....

The twins (Thomson and Thompson); I added a bowler had to the driver ...
need to make some folded down roofs (to replace the plastic ones that came with the cars).

Jalopys for East Africa...

 Some armed transport for the British ...

(Empress Miniatures crews;  Matchbox Models of Yesteryear Crossley 1918 and Empress Model T ford; the machine gunners are removable so both can carry loads).

Saturday 10 December 2022

New additions ....

 Some figures from Empress Miniatures and a small lot of figures off Ebay painted up to add to the collection...

A selection of crates and a steam launch (both recently acquired off Ebay)

Monday 14 November 2022

Evil Villains Lair .. making a start ....basic table layout

Table split in half with a scenic break.....

The above ground approach side ..

underground side ...

I will have to scribble a few layout ideas so that the connection between both sides is sensible with at least four ways in/out; then work out the layout of both sides plus the scenario design to ensure the game is playable.

Sunday 13 November 2022

Evil Villains Lair .. making a start ....underground dock

 A list of items under consideration to include in the secret base is:

  • Meeting Room
  • Villains appartment
  • Operations/Control room
  • Test Facility
  • Machine Room (generators..)
  • Warehouse (with admin office)
  • Garage
  • Minion's Barracks
  • Firing range
  • Prisoner control office and cells
  • W.C. and showers ?
  • Villains escape route
  • Underground dock (or submarine pen)
I decided to start on the underground dock as I can re-use my harbour modules and add some new walls.

The walls are 2 inches high to match my other underground passageways and rooms - some of these can be used as well.  

Saturday 12 November 2022

A new mini-sub ...

 Dr Weevil inspects a new mini-sub..

This will add to his selection of mini-subs, 
which are left at his secret base(s); allowing for a getaway if needed.

Sunday 6 November 2022

New arrivals for East Africa (WIP)

 A couple of orders recently arrived to add to stuff for East Africa....

A detachment of Kings African Rifles (from Underfire Miniatures)

these had to be assembled - rifles and heads had to be stuck on - a bit fiddly, worth it as they are very nice figures .

A radio carried by mule; this from Empress Miniatures. I swapped the head of the muleteer
Also from Empress Miniatures, a Model T ford with crew (not easy to assemble); in addition I bought a second crew and have fitted them to a Matchbox Models of Yesteryear Crossley 1918; the machine gunners are removable so both can carry loads.
something more to paint 😀 .....

Somewhere in the Indian Ocean.

 A ripple on the water, a strange craft emerges.

Dr Weeval approaches his secret lair.

Time to see how the construction work is progressing.

Wednesday 2 November 2022

If you go down to the temples today ..... ...

Somewhere in Camodia... is a secret underground store of the Oriental Trading Company ( a front for Mu Fanchu's tong..). The facility's location has been obtained from an informant - French troops approach via nearby river. 


A small OTC convoy enters the facility via a ruined temple down a ramp and into an underground warehouse ...

where they unload some cargo .... the lorries will be off out at some time to make delivery's elsewhere
Later in the day,  french infantry and sailors approach a small village nearby .....
and then towards the temples which mask the entrance to the storage facility ....
A local native on top of a temple spots them coming ....
One of the other natives outside runs down into the facility to warn the tong leader ...
The alarm is sounded, all available men will go out to keep the approaching troops at bay while some key equipment is loaded onto a lorry.....
The troops near the concealed entrances ....
The sailors are fired upon by some local natives...
Tong members come out to assist them ....
As the French infantry near the temples they too come under attack ...
More of the tong come out to join the fight ...
The sailors slowly move up under fire ...
and start to fire back.. ..they have the edge in the gun battle ...
The sailors rush forward to deal with the remaining tong ....
they secure the area .....
The French infantry find themselves in a hand-to-hand fight with natives and the tong ....

While French infantry are kept at bay,  a truck with key equipment emerges from the temple entrance 
The French infantry are starting to gain ground the truck moves away ...
The French infantry break through and the remaining tong follow the truck down the jungle trail ...
Troops explore the deserted underground facility.....

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Going Underground .....

I'm working on an Evil Villains Lair for a future pulp game.   The plan is to have half the gaming table as an approach zone to a scenic break with entrances into the underground villains lair; with the lair on the rest of the table.

As proof of concept I setup a similar scheme for a secret underground storage facility. It was setup using my cheap and cheerful selection of passageways/rooms made from cardboard covered with printed paper sheets. 

The underground storage facility...

looking towards the scenic break.... lorries enter the storage facility through a ruined temple...
looking away from the scenic break...

the setup is going to be used for game.. 

Tuesday 25 October 2022

Hunting .....

 After briefing the League of Extraordinary Mental Men on the 'Rule of Six', along with the delivery of  relevant files and records, Sterling and Stirling took a well earned break in the country doing a bit of hunting.

The league has been tasked with coming up with potential leads , identify candidates names for the members of the 'Rule of Six', trying to delve deeper and find more information on 'The Coordinator'. If possible provide some idea for the location of  'Krykoskos' (evil island).   The league are hard at work ....

Thursday 13 October 2022

Zanzibar Information ....

Nice book find in a charity shop a couple of days ago, 

nice coffee table picture book, black and white photos.


Also found a nice website with info and pics of Zanzibar - including the short war in the 1896 and WW1. 

link ...


Sunday 9 October 2022

The Sultanate of Nambuzo... background and games so far....

What is the Sultanate of Nambuzo ?  A fictional country based on the historical Sultanate of Zanzibar.

Actual Historical Background

World War I East Africa Campaign ...

German East Africa (ex Wikipedia)

After the war the German's were stripped of their colonial empire,  German East Africa was split up among the winners of the conflict.  (see ). In 1919 German East Africa was given over to Britain, who subsequently gave Ruanda & Urundi to Belgium (Belgian Congo); also a the Kionga Triangle was given to Portugal (Portuguese East Africa..later to become Mozambique).

"Tanganyika" became the name of the British territory.  Also Zanzibar had agreements with the British and nominally controlled a 10 mile strip of the coast line; however the British were really in control.  (see; 

19th Century & earlier: Zanzibar's
coastal zone & trading routes (ex Wikipedia)

The Fictional Sultanate of Nambuzo (after 1919)

The Sultanate was given total control by the British of a 15 mile strip along the coast when it took over control of German East Africa, but the British stripped them of control of the coast strip north of Vanga (taking control of Mombassa).  The coastal strip and the Zanzibar Sultanate became known as the 'Grand' Sultanate of Nambuzo.

Options for Games

Most will be small scale games (early Inter-War 1920's) arsing from the following contexts:

  • Disputes and disagreements between the Sultanate and the British & French about trade, territory and administrative control rights. 
  • Big game hunting and trapping
  • Geographical & archaeological expeditions/adventures (such as expeditions to the twin peaks of Kilimanjaro).

Games Played So Far...

1)  Relief of Coromelle

The Sultanate of Nambuzo seeking to extend its influence into the Indian Ocean has seized the small french controlled island of Coromelle.  The French none to happy with this have pulled together a small force which left from Madagascar and has arrived at the island not far from the small port of Romoni. 

Result: The french ejected the sultanate’s troops from the island.

Game Report:

2) Rail Halt at Patimbobo

The Sultan of Nambuzo wants to take control of the railway from the interior.  Attempting to extend their influence the germans have sent some troops to support the Sultanate of Nambuzo in this action - a small force of colonial troops and askari.  Aware of the the Sultan's intentions, the British have assembled a scratch force to defend the railway - comprising some Indian colonial troops, a naval landing party and some armed sailors. 

Result: The Sultanate beats the British and takes control of the telegraph office, halt and bridge over the river.

Game Report:

3) Trading Post at Mutimbo

Armed traders from the Sultanate of Nambuzo,  based at the trading post of Mutimbo, have been causing trouble in the adjoining British protectorate. Diplomatic efforts to stop incursions have failed. A small raiding force has been assembled to carry out a punitive raid on the trading post to deter further incursions.

Result: The British beat the Sultanate and destroy the trading post.

Game Report: