Friday 14 October 2016

WW1: at the airfields ...

At the british airfield where Captain Odd-Fellowes's squadron is based, a Bristol fighter is preparing to leave while some officers inspect a newly arrived Sopwith tri-plane.
Meanwhile at the airfield of Jasta 69, von Tiddenheims' flying circus, the landing gear of an Albatross DV is being repaired while a couple of pilots look at Fokker DVII which has been sent to the squadron for evaluation...
[new items: 4 planes and some figures picked up for a nice price off Ebay]

Friday 7 October 2016

In the jungles of the Yucatan - searching for mayan gold ...

Is 1934 and the germans are searching out magical artefacts. Graf von Tiddenheim is in the jungles of Yucatan searching mayan ruins for the fabled gold statue of Ixbalanque. Von Tiddenheim is accompanied by his valet Hans Orf and a detachment of troops.

Also investigating the same area is Major Crichton Odd an army reservist and adventurer; he is accompanied by his fiance Hermione Fellowes and a detachment of troops led by his cousin - Captain Reginald Odd-Fellowes.

von Tiddenheim's party move through the jungle ....
they have been spotted, the natives know where they are ...
mean while Major Odd's part struggles through the undergrowth...
von Tiddenheim spots the top of a pyramid above the trees and lead his men in that direction ....
As they approach the pyramid a load of natives appear from the nearby ruins ....
the natives fire their weapons and charge at them ....
Major Odd's party has reached the base of the pyramid and encounters the beligerant natives ....
the germans fight the natives ....
the germans beat the natives off ..
the british too give the natives a hard time ...
the germans move towards the pyramid ...
the british win the race to the top of the pyramid ...,
a fight develops on the pyramid and germans get the edge and take control of the top ....
outnumbered the british attacks stalls,
the germans have control of the pyramid,  Major Odd's party fall back and he has no choice but to leave - as they are outnumbered and there are lots of natives milling about...
While the natives hang back among the ruined buildings near the pyramid, Von Tiddenheim and his party get away with the gold statue ....
[ a game to get a thread of the pulp story lines going; using some basic character figures plus early WW2 germans and and british troops - need to get some in tropical dress]