Saturday 13 March 2021

Thats my pyramidion !

continued from here

It is dusk and still no sign of the daily finds lorry. With the pyramidion packed and under guard, Diana Jones checks in with the armed guards. Most of the diggers are just about to go home - a couple will stay to help guard the site.

The agents of the 'rule of 6', approach the dig site ...
The antiquities robbers move up behind the temple ...
The  'rule of 6' agents move fast and take out the sentries by the dig building.. a couple of them open fire on the diggers...
The diggers react, opening fire - hitting one of the interlopers...
Meanwhile the antiquities robbers are quietly moving round and up into the temple ...
The  'rule of 6' agents move fast and come up behind the diggers guns blazing ......
the antiquities robbers make their move, over the low ruined wall and up to the crate holding the pyramidion; Diana Jones comes to help the guard.. shots are fired ...
Diana Jones and Reg Butler find themselves in a crossfire, the rest of diggers and guards are all down
Diana and Reg make a hasty retreat to the top of a low sand dune as a gun battle starts between the antiquities robbers and the 'Rule of 6' agents..
the antiquities robbers get ready to load the crate onto the their lorry ...
Dian and Reg, take pot shots from the top of the dune taking out a couple of the opposition...
The gun battle peters out, the antiquities robbers have won and have got the crate on the truck; Diana and Reg fire on them as they slowly move away ...
the antiquities robbers move away at speed ...
and are soon off down the road ....
Diana and Reg now open fire on the remaining 'Rule of Six' agents who are now beating a hasty retreat into the desert...

Diana and Reg make their way to the dig site to check how everybody is, most are badly wounded - a couple just knocked out; they go up to Sid al Bunzi to get help.   The pyramidion is gone, at least they have the photographs of it and rubbings of the inscriptions to study.....


Game mechanics ...

with 3+ parties involved, used playing cards for initiative/action

Spades - the archaeologists and their guards

Diamonds - Rule of Six agents

Hearts - Antiquities stealers

Clubs - diggers and civilians

on card activation party moves fire and start combat; other parties can turn/defend themselves and return fire but not move. A run of cards gives advantage to one side, but can act against them if another run of a different suit comes up.  In the game the Antiquities stealers got the better cards..

Sunday 7 March 2021

The pyramidion is found ....

Continued from here

After they had removed some rubble and as they dug away the sand, the tip of the pyramidion was seen - hastily they dug away the remaining sand - there it was - the 'Giver of Light'...

The pyramidion was eased out of the ruined building and a crate made ready for it...
The pyramidion was packed in the crate ready for pickup by the daily lorry which took the major finds back to Cairo.  It was late in the afternoon and the lorry had not arrived - it had overheated a mile or so on the other side of Sidi Al Bunzi.. a faulty hose would need to be fixed ...


Word on the discovery of the pyramidion soon reached other interested parties in Sidi Al Bunzi; a dubious antiquities dealer instructs his men to obtain it ....
A group of men from the 'Rule of Six' have moved up the Wadi Al Swere and are about to make their move to take the pyramidion for their own nefarious purposes...

to be continued

Saturday 6 March 2021

At the Dig Site ...

Between the settlement of Sidi al Bunzi and Wadi El Swere are the ruins of the temple of Amun built by Amenemhet I; not far from the temple an archaeological excavation led by Dr Diana Jones is in progress .... they are searching for the pyramidion of Senusret I - known as the 'Giver of Light'.


Reg Butler (dig foreman) had gone for a short walk before the work of the day to see Wadi El Swere and the desert beyond...

As Reg headed back to the dig site, Dr Diana Jones and her assistant John Hadley had left Sidi al Bunzi and were walking to the dig site...
They passed by the temple of Amun ...
and on to the dig site where she checked in with Harry Robson on what was planned for today ...
They went to see the their new area of interest, a small building nearby the temple, the diggers were getting their instruction  ....
Diana Jones felt more secure now with the men sent by Colonel Polkington guarding the dig site ....

to be continued ....