Saturday 11 November 2023

Shoot-Out in Brompton

Brompton was on the border of two rival gangs - the Smiths and the Jones. The Jones had been running shipments of illicit goods via a warehouse in the town ...


Early one evening just off the main street in Brompton, Dolly Catchpole (working for the Smiths, who'd infiltrated the Jones gang) told Joe Wardle (member of the Smiths gang) that the Jones are going to the Gurney Street warehouse at 7pm the next day to pick up a shipment...


The next day just after 6.30pm the next day the Smiths arrive in Brompton ...
and take up positions near the warehouse in Gurney Street... 
Just before 7pm, the Jones convoy enters the outskirts of Brompton...
and make their way to the warehouse ...
(off comes the warehouse roof for game action)
one of the main warehouse doors is opened and the lorry reverses in while the gang keep an eye out for trouble...
The Smiths make their move...
Three of their men break into the the rear door ...
The others move around the corner and open fire with machine guns .....

Two of the Jones gang go down...
The Smiths move in closer as the Jones respond ...
The gun battle starts, both inside ...
and outside the warehouse .....

Inside the warehouse the gunfight continues, no one is hit yet ...
Outside more of the Jones gang are hit and go down ....
Out-matched the Jones gang outside the warehouse make for their car .... exchanging shots as they go ...
Inside the warehouse the Jones gang has done better, killing all but one of the Smiths men who they were fighting.....
Outside the remaining Jones manage to get away in their car .....

Things aren't looking to good for the only man from the Smiths gang left in the warehouse ...
Until those outside open fire into the warehouse...
The two remaining Jones gang members take cover behind the lorry ...
They make a break for the rear side door, only one of them makes it out to safety ...
The Smiths secure the area....
they'll soon load up the Jones' shipment and make their getaway before the Police arrive ...