Next morning after a hasty breakfast, the intrepid explorers set off.
After an hours peaceful travel they were enchanted to see a herd of giraffe browsing at the forest edge,

and motored quietly towards them to enjoy a better view.

Just as well.
A party of natives appeared on the left bank.
A flurry of spears fell around them.
Long range fortunately, and all missed.
A second, more accurate volley.
Better aimed this time, several hit the boats.
Stores were damaged, but the only casualty was to Ser, their guide who received a large splinter in his upper arm.
A 6 foot cube of a man, he showed no sign of pain as he increased speed to move out of range.
Ser was only the last syllable of his otherwise tonsil strangling name, but suited his personality and bearing.

Quickly they moved into an even greater danger,
lining the bank was a group of very angry Arab traders ,whose own ambush had been ruined by the noise of the boats.
A flurry of shots rang out even as the heavens opened in a sudden downpour.
Perhaps the gods were smiling on the party.
Not a single shot came near.

Moving rapidly away in the poor visibility, another group of traders appeared, one of whom armed with a more modern rifle, fired.
The others could only look on.
Black Powder has its limits.

This time their luck was not so good and the bullet ripped into the Professor.
He slumped down, bleeding heavily.

As the rifleman raised his weapon for another shot Fortune again smiled on the party.
Disturbed by the noise a Rhinoceros charged out of the undergrowth,
The rifleman had time only for a hasty shot before being hurled to the ground by the angry beast.

Moving hastily away the party reached a calmer part of the river.
Giant dragonflies flitted at the rivers edge, silenced reigned.

Searching for a good spot to land and tend to their injuries, the party scanned the banks for a safe place.

On the left bank two more rhinos were peacefully grazing, on the right ,movement could be seen through the bushes.Was that a person they could see?

Hopefully they moved closer.

It was.

They gratefully moved towards the bank to land and recover from the morning.
What the afternoon had to offer everyone would have to wait and see.
Great fun, thanks.
ReplyDeleteLove concept, the river and the colours. Plus the wildlife. Excellent.